About Author

Robert Bache

Robert Bache

Robert W. Bache (aka "Medicare Bob") is founder and chief of sales for Senior Healthcare Direct, an AmeriLife company. He manages a team of agents who work with 30-plus companies, and have served tens of thousands of clients in more than 40 states. They have been awarded several industry and business honors, and been repeatedly recognized for their top-tier customer service.

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More Americans report losing sleep over money troubles than for any other reason. The rising cost of daily necessities like gas, food and electricity has become a major source of stress.

That’s why I sat down with financial expert Kelly Kleinsasser, president of Forward Strategies Insurance Brokerage and founder and principal of Ridge Capital Advisors, LLC. (a registered investment advisor), to talk about the most crucial things today’s retirees can do to secure their futures.

Robert Bache